Catalyst for CatsCatalyst for Cats, Inc.

January 21, 2014

Our work for the feral cats is never done

Winter is the time of year when Catalyst works the hardest trapping, neutering and releasing (TNR) the feral cats still breeding in Santa Barbara County. We do this now in order to reduce the number of kittens when mating season begins at the return of warm weather and longer days.

Cold weather increases the dietary needs of cats on the streets. Food sources for prey is down which in turn reduces the opportunities for hunting. Offering good nutrition at our feeding sites draws the hungry animals to us, so we are able to trap those still intact and bring them into the program.

Our trappers can tell at a glance, which animals are still in breeding condition just by looking at their ears. When a feral is brought in for spay/neuter surgery, an ear is tipped to indicate sterilization. In the future, if one of these cats is re-trapped, our volunteers will know to release it on the spot.

Catalyst has made great strides since its founding in 1990, TNRing and stabilizing the dozens of feral cat colonies from Carpinteria in the south to Guadalupe in the north. We are concentrating now mostly in the Santa Ynez Valley, Santa Maria and Guadalupe where there are still hot spots.

Recently a large colony of 27 was successfully trapped in Guadalupe over a period of three nights. However gratifying it is to catch them all, it is cold, time-consuming and heavy work for our tireless volunteers. Our fearless founder is in her 80s and still drives all over the county working in the trenches. Her dedication still burns bright after all these years, but leaves her exhausted at day’s end.

No volunteer or Catalyst Board member is paid, and all of our efforts cost a great deal of money. Each cat that is brought into the program undergoes surgery and receives treatment for worms and fleas. They are also given a vet check and if need be, injuries and illnesses are treated.

During kitten season, there are costs for food, litter, meds and surgeries prior to adoption. Feeding sites are established and maintained throughout the year all over the county requiring hundreds of pounds of food.

Since this is the season of giving, why not stay local this year. All donations are tax-deductible and can be made easily through our website. If so inclined, you can even sign up for automatic monthly giving and spread it out over 12 months!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas from a very grateful Catalyst for Cats.

Filed under: Ferals,General Info — Marci Kladnik @ 2:56 pm

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